
Los códigos para obtener artículos son los siguientes:
KINDNESS-500 coins
HAPPYCNY-Disfraz de Dragón Violeta
GUITARRA-500 coins
ESPONJAS-500 coins
CUPCAKES-500 coins
GOLDSTAR-500 Coins
24PRUNES-500 Coins
VINNIE24-500 Coins
17PUFFLE-500 Coins
SUSHICHA-500 Coins
SURPRISE-Tree Topper Hat
ICEBERGS-500 coins
PEZGLOBO-500 coins
DULCEDUL-500 coins
CARAMELO-500 coins
UNPIRATA-Pirate Coat
Popcorn1-500 coins
Blueboot-500 coins
15Klutzy-500 coins
MARTILLO-500 coins
ELTOMATE-500 coins
GARYIGLU-500 coins
FRIGHTEN-500 coins
11SPIDER-500 coins
REDBOOK3-500 coins
PRESENTE-Bunch Of Balloons
BATERIA1-500 Coins
TECLADOS-500 Coins
ROSADOJO-500 Coins
VERMELHO-500 Coins
DESLIGAR-500 Coins
SOMBRERO-Tricorn Hat
NUESTROS-500 coins
GRANAZUL-500 coins
GAMBAS64-500 coins
34GUITAR-500 coins
PURPLE16-500 coins
REDPLAZA-500 coins
ARTICO20-500 coins
AMARELO6-500 coins
CANDYKAI-500 coins
KLUTZY15-500 coins
SILVER14- 500 coins
DSKYRIDE-Blue Track Suit
EQUIPE10-500 coins
COFFEE12-500 coins
THEWALLS-500 coins
TOMATO22-500 coins
KEYBOARD-1000 coins
PINKDOJO-1000 coins
DRUMROLL-1000 coins
DJUBILEE-king's crown
DARKSTAR-500 coins
JAPANTEA-500 coins
74YELLOW-500 coins
3CARAMEL-500 coins
JAZZJAKE-500 coins
D23EXP11-Green Jacket
FREEHOOD-Purple Jacket
PUMPKIN1-Pumpkin Head
MMCODE11-500 coins
MMCODE12-Guitar Shirt
SHRIMP64-500 coins
J6YELLOW-500 coins
HADDOCK7-500 coins
ARCTIC20-500 coins
EPFRULES-500 coins
REDBEARS-500 coins
HPHONES1-Puffle Headphones
UFOANZUG-Celadon Alien Costume
UFOMASKE-Celadon Alien Mask
LOVESNOW-500 coins
MMCODE13-2,500 coins
TOGETHER-500 coins
BIGWHITE-500 coins
DECNLR10-500 coins
JUNNLR11-500 coins

Los codigos de libros, son los siguientes:

Libro “The Ultimate Official Guide to Club Penguin”
P: Page 9?
R: Sometimes

P: Page 35?
R: Misses

P: Page 38?
R: Scavenger

P: Page 40?
R: Examples

P: Page 62?
R: Picture

P: Page 63?
R: How

P: Page 65?
R: Storage

P: Page 73?
R: Search

P: Page 75?
R: Tossing

P: Page 77?
R: Buying

P: Page 101?
R: Donated

P: Page 117?
R: Jerseys

P: Page 118?
R: Squads

P: Page 140?
R: Breeze

P: Page 141?
R: Combined

P: Page 143?
R: Secret

P: Page 155?
R: Queen

P: Page 169?
R: Start

P: Page 171?
R: Annual

P: Page 175?
R: Crown

P: Page 176?
R: Item

P: Page 179?
R: Penguins

P: Page 182?
R: Actions

Libro “Club Penguin Stowaway”

P: Page 6?
R: Mysterious

P: Page 40?
R: Waterfall

P: Page 80?
R: Penguin

Libro “The Inventor’s Apprentice”

P: Page 5, 5 words from the left on line 10?
R: Good

P: Page 5, 4 words from the left on line 3?
R: Board

P: Page 6, 5 words from the left on line 17?
R: Plans

P: Page 6, 7 words from the left on line 14?
R: Extreme

P: Page 7, 7 words from the left on line 17?
R: Where

P: Page 8, 7 words from the left on line 4?
R: Round

Libro “Secret Agent Handbook”

P: Page 5, 6 words from the left on line 9?
R: Give

P: Page 5, 3 words from the left on line 5?
R: Fashions

P: Page 5, 4 words from the left on line 2?
R: Matter

Libro, Star Reporter

P: ¿Que palabra esta en la pagina 6, 5 palabras desde la izquierda en la linea 5?
R: Printed

P: ¿Que palabra esta en la pagina 7, 6 palabras desde la izquierda en la linea 12?
R: Staff

Libro: The great puffle switch:

P: Page 43
R: Snowballs

P: Page 76
R: Will

P: Page 26
R: Bubble

P: Page 33
R: Puffle

P: Page 35
R: Friends

P: Page 6
R: Shine

P: Page 80
R: Puffle

P: Page 80
R: You

P: Page 18
R: Party

P: Page 19
R: Shop

P: Page 60
R: That

P: Page 5
R: Pink

P: Page 6
R: Orange

P: Page 7
R: Penguin

P: Page 8
R: Green

P: Page 20
R: Puffle

Libro "The Awesome Official Guide to Club penguin"

Question: What is the word on page 8, line 4, 1st word?
Answer: location

Question: What is the word on page 11, line 3, 2nd word?
Answer: penguin

Question: What is the word on page 14, line 14, 2nd word?
Answer: circle

Question: What is the word on page 17, line 10, 6th word?
Answer: igloo

Question: What is the word on page 26, line 17, 2nd word?
Answer: interested

Question: What is the word on page 39, line 19, 8th word?
Answer: free

Question: What is the word on page 58, line 4, 5th word?
Answer: fourth

Question: What is the word on page 65, line 3, 6th word?
Answer: tricky

Question: What is the word on page 125, line 3, 5th word?
Answer: guitar

Question: What is the word on page 131, line 3, 6th word?
Answer: beside

Question: What is the word on page 131, line 11, 2nd word?
Answer: an

Question: What is the word on page 144, line 4, 4th word?
Answer: fashion

Question: What is the word on page 155, line 2, 7th word?
Answer: rock

Question: What is the word on page 184, line 1, 2nd word?
Answer: greatest

Question: What is the word on page 192, line 6, 5th word?
Answer: placed

Question: What is the word on page 196, line 15, 2nd word?
Answer: loves

Question: What is the word on page 198, line 18, 2nd word?
Answer: decorate

Question: What is the word on page 202, line 16, 3rd word?
Answer: access

Question: What is the word on page 202, line 2, 9th word?
Answer: suddenly

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